Thursday, April 20, 2006

Big Willie Style thrills even the most incapacitated! today has the strangest story:

"Movie star Will Smith thrilled Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon by agreeing to a private meeting with the politician yesterday. Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett-Smith flew to Israel from Dubai for a whistle-stop tour of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv as part of a long-standing promise to meet with Sharon. The brief meeting took place behind closed doors..."

This is strange because last I heard, Sharon was still in a coma from his January stroke. I really don't see there being any way, shape, or form that Sharon could be 'thrilled' in his state. And of course it was a brief meeting! I'm sure a lucid Sharon would've spent hours asking if Carlton really was that much a pain in the ass...but people in comas generally keep conversation to a minimum.

It's quite apparent that someone 'flashy-thinged' the imdb news staff, erasing their memroies. I wonder how many emails they're getting about this and if they'll offer a correction tomorrow. Hmm, let's see, replace "thrilled" with "had no visible effect" and "agreeing to" with "agreeing (guiltily for not meeting him prior to his stroke) to."

And also...what the heck are the Smiths doing on a "whistle-stop" tour of Jersusalem and Tel-Aviv? I thought that was something politicians did. Is Will running for Israeli office? Can Mike Lowery restore peace in the troubled region? Will Martin Lawrence be involved (we can only hope so)? I don't see how this wouldn't work, Will succeeds in everything he...does....oh....yeah....Wild....Wild...West. Yeah, forgot about that one...maybe it's best he stay home.


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