Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Restaurant Review: Fleming's (San Diego) B+

Flemings Steak House
380 K St.
San Diego, CA 92101

Date Dined: 6/10/06

C and I went down to San Diego for a little weekend away and dined at Flemings Steak House, located on the southern tip of the famed Gaslamp district.

Flemings is actually a small chain of steak houses/wine bars, there’s even one here in the San Fernando valley, although I imagine that due to location, that one attracts a much older crowd than this southern counterpart.

We started with a bottle of Stone Street cabernet (2002) and not feeling very adventurous, ordered the calamari as an appetizer. The calamari was excellent, not the over fried variety one would usually endure, but nicely seasoned with no need for any cocktail sauce.

C had the ribeye cooked medium rare and I had the 12 oz. filet mignon medium. For sides, we ordered the mushrooms and the Flemings Potatoes (sort of a very cheesy au gratin potato). The sides were excellent and well portioned for two, unusual for a steakhouse.

C’s ribeye was great, perfectly cooked, but my filet was lacking. A filet should be very, very tender and this was uneven, tough in spots.

Too full from our meal we skipped dessert.

Service was top-notch, and décor was nice, but I have to knock Flemings down a peg for the uneven filet (I know, I know, laugh all you want about uncle moneybags here crying about his filet mignon), even if the rest of our food was quite good.


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