Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Will Someone Think Of The Children!?

Well, I just heard some disappointing news. Seems as though the mighty Silent Civilian have pulled out of a June 18th show with Static-X at the Key Club in Hollywood to tour with...Drowning Pool.

Drowning Pool jokes aside, the June 18th date had been widely publicized for several weeks via various sources, including Silent Civ's myspace page. But now, according to their myspace page, Jonny and the guys will be opening for the far less talented DP in Chicago on the 18th.

Now I already purchased a ticket for the Key Club show, mostly just to see Silent Civilian, but it's not a huge deal, I dig Static-X and I'll still go to the show.

However, I can't help but be be pissed off for all the SC's younger fans (and I know there's a lot of them). Look, I'm not rich, but I do well enough. The $25 I spent for a ticket is not going to set me back that much. But, if you're a 16 year old Silent Civilian fan who's already bought a ticket, then that $25 probably means a lot more to you than it does to me.

I know the music industry is rough, and I know Silent Civilian will get a lot more exposure touring around the country and blowing Drowning Pool off the stage every night, but I just think this cancelation is a sucky thing to do to their local fans.


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