Album Review: Godsmack - IV (2006) C+

Sounds Like: 90s Metallica
Turn on any commerical heavy metal radio station during the day and you'll hear Godsmack at least once an hour, maybe more. Practically as much as you'll hear Metallica. Why is that?
Godsmack are safe, innocuous. They don't do too much to offend, but they don't offer anything to get too excited about, either. Their creatively titled fourth album is further evidence of that fact.
Speaking of creativity...look at the track titles:
Living In Sin (Bon Jovi used this title)
Bleeding Me (Metallica used this title)
Hollow (Pantera used this title)
No Rest For The Wicked (that's an Ozzy album title)
Shine Down (there's a hard rock band similiar to Godsmack called this)
Voodoo Too (sequel to Godsmack's Voodoo)
Draw your own conclusions...
Not as heavy as 2003's Faceless, the songs here are a little more commerical in nature. Not much stands out. The first single "Speak" and "Mama" are the strongest tracks, but overall, it's really not a change from the Godsmack formula.
They might be radio friendly, but I just can't get that excited about them.
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