Friday, November 24, 2006

Film Review: Thank You For Smoking (2006) B

Date Viewed: 10/18/06
Venue: Universal Screening Room

Thank You For Smoking is an equal opportunity offender. This satire follows Nick Naylor (Aaron Eckhart), the tobacco industry’s lead spinmeister, as he travels the country blowing public relations smoke, all the while trying to be a good father to his son. And you know what, he’s really good at both tasks.

The film (based on the novel by Christopher Buckley) works so well because it manages to be smart and funny. Jason Reitman’s (son noted comedy helmer Ivan) direction is best described as light on it’s feet, propelled by Nick’s razor sharp dialog and witty narration. Nick understands the occasional absurdness of his duties, all the while delivering his spin with unquestioned vigor, believing that with a strong argument, one can never be wrong.

Nick’s pro-tobacco travels take him and his son to California to deal with kooky mega-agent Jeff Megall (Rob Lowe), pay off the cancer-ridden Marlboro Man (Sam Elliot), and back to Washington D.C. to fend off a pesky senator (William H. Macy). Nick also manages to get involved with an inquisitive reporter (Katie Holmes).

This is a busy 92 minutes; everything flies by at a nice clip. But I think I’m most impressed by it’s take-no-prisoners approach. The script and characters are very politically incorrect, but there’s no liberal or conservative message. The film plays both sides beautifully and sharply.

I do take issue with a more sinister subplot involving Nick’s kidnapping by the anti-tobacco lobby. It feels truncated compared to the film’s other storylines, and its darker undertones don’t jive with the rest of the picture. Either more resolution or simply dropping it entirely might’ve improved things.

In the end, I enjoyed Thank For You Smoking quite a bit for it’s zany cast of characters and brisk pacing, but I most enjoyed it for Aaron Eckhart’s smarmily charming spin-control. He carries the film with smooth confidence that may be rewarded come award season.


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