Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Metal Roundup 6/12/06 - Sepul-frauds?

Big metal news of the day was drummer Igor Cavalera officially quitting Sepultura after sitting out the past few months to spend time with his wife and baby.

Now that means there are zero Cavaleras (Igor founded the band with brother Max) and zero original members left in Sepultura. Not that I was really into anything of the stuff released post-Max (although this year's Dante XXI wasn't bad), but at least I didn't question the bands continued existence, which I now do. Talk about a group having zero credibility. Does this mean Igor reuintes with Max in Soulfly? We can only hope.

Alter Bridge played some new songs live recently, and someone was kind enough to bootleg and post them here. If you haven't checked out Alter Bridge, I highly recommend you should. They're Creed (stay with me here) with a new singer (who's got some impressive range and is uninterested in painting himself as a Christ-like figure) and better songs.

Here's my metal youtube finding of the day: Metallica performing a new song in Berlin last week. The song has no title but is quite good, it gives me a St. Anger meets ...And Justice For All vibe. The guitar solo is back!


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