Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What I'm Playing...

Since 'Games' is actually a part of this blog's title, I figure I should finally start well, you know, actually blogging about them. Every Tuesday I'll have a rundown of what I've been playing in the video game world, and my general impressions.

The Godfather: Blackhand Edition (Wii)

I beat this over the past weekend, after logging about 30 hours taking over the mean mafioso streets of New York City. The Godfather is a sandbox game, very much like the Grand Theft Auto series, but built around the first Godfather feature film for its story. Many of the missions are right out of the movie (guess who gets to fly to LA with Robert Duvall and practice equine decapitations!), but a major portion of the game deals with extorting businesses and taking over rackets, all whilst fighting off rival mob families.

To be honest, this would just be an average game on any other console, but the Wii controls allow for some fun melee combat and the free-aim feature really comes in handy during long-distance gunplay.

I'd recommend it for fans of the film and Wii owners jonesing for a GTA-style world.

Madden NFL Football 07 (360)

I picked this up last year when I got my 360 and barely touched it (aside from taking a few online ass-whooping from (thankfully) anonymous 11-year-olds). With football less than three weeks away I felt the urge, so I started a franchise with my beloved Seahawks. Two games into the preseason now, and both have gone into OT. Doesn't the friggin' AI understand the point of preseason? Why is it kicking last second FGs to tie the score? And why is Peyton Manning playing the entire game against me?

Super Mario Bros. (NES)

My retro game of the moment. And no, I don't have an NES anymore. I'm playing this emulated on my Xbox. I of course had this as a kid, but strangely never beat it. I'm trying to rectify that now (thank God for save states!).


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